Do thoughts about food rule your life?

Have you spent years trying to control your eating but feel like you never have enough willpower?

Do you overeat in secret and then feel guilty or ashamed?

Do you try to get rid of calories by vomiting or taking laxatives?

Do you feel like you only deserve food if you have exercised?

Do you feel obsessed with ‘clean eating’ or feel anxious after eating certain foods/food groups?

Do you hear a voice that tells you to eat less?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may have an eating disorder. Help is available.

Halved citrus fruit representing food freedom from online eating disorder therapy.

I offer online eating disorder therapy to give you the tools to recover and find food freedom.

I understand how difficult it can be to not only ask for help but to also receive the right help. I suffered with an eating disorder for most of my adult life, encountered judgement from medical professionals, and accessed counsellors/therapists who didn’t have the training to give me the help I needed.

I’ve felt the despair of having a life ruled by food, including restricting, bingeing, purging, over-exercising and obsessing over “clean” eating. I thought I would never be free of this and all of the problems that came along with it, including anxiety, depression, social withdrawal and relationship problems.

Finding an eating disorder therapist changed my life and I went on to do specialised training so that I could do the same for others. I have made it my mission to help people overcome eating disorders and food issues, and to live a fuller, more meaningful life.

As a qualified and accredited therapist who has undertaken specialised training with the National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED), I provide online eating disorder therapy for adults and adolescents aged 16+. If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, disordered eating, or food issues, I can offer you help whether or not you’ve had a diagnosis.

Select from one of the below to find out more about how I can help with specific eating disorders:


Binge Eating



Full recovery is possible

I understand you may be feeling frustrated, depressed, anxious, and tired of struggling. You desperately want to find freedom from your food issues and the shame, guilt, and self-hatred that comes with it. Every day may feel like a struggle but there is hope beyond the stress, anxiety, and poor body image.

I can help you to recover and live a life without restriction, binging, purging, or obsessing.

I know from personal experience how much despair comes along with an eating disorder and I want to help you find the same freedom that I've found. Getting the right help from a qualified professional is key to eating disorder recovery; I’ve made it my mission to use my specialised training and experience to support you in this.

With online counselling and psychotherapy you can overcome your eating disorder.

Many people delay getting help for a variety of reasons, including myths that eating disorders only affect young girls (25% of eating disorder sufferers are actually male) or that you have to be underweight to have an eating disorder (most people with an eating disorder are not underweight).

Some people don’t ask for help because they don’t think they are “sick enough” or are worried that they won’t be taken seriously.

Eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of gender, body weight/shape, and age.

If you’re struggling with food, I’m here to help.

Other issues related to eating disorders

Many people with eating disorders also struggle with related difficulties including anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), body dysmorphia, and trauma. My integrative and specialised training means I draw upon a range of theories, models, and evidence-based interventions to tailor treatment to your needs.

My treatment approach includes a range of effective interventions such as:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Positive Psychology

  • Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

  • Person-Centred Counselling

Contact me today to arrange your free 20 minute informal consultation.